Thursday, 31 May 2012

Work in our Woodland: Cricket Bat Harvest

Yesterday saw the end of a few day's of work in our 50 acre woodland: harvesting 30% of a crop of willows, grown here for cricket bats.  Later in the year their replaments will be planted. 

These trees are grown on a 15 year rotation, so these in turn will be harvested some time around 2030. 

Ultimately, this wood will become Gray and Nichols bats.

Each time significant work is done in this area of Soulton Wood, we open up better access to what is a sublime habitat of ancient woodland, leading down to Soulton Brook and the River Roden.  These rivers are home to water voles, otters, brown trout and mayfly. 

Below is a picture of this wonderful peacful location:

And below is a picture of one of the replacment stands from work done two years ago:

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Getting into the spirit of the Jubilee!

Bunting has gone up in the gardens here to celebrate the Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Here are some pictures:

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Outstanding Bluebells in Soulton Wood: Stop motion tour

Once again, we are enjoying a fantastic flush of spring colour around the farm and in the gardens.  

Below is a quick stop motion of the bluebells in Soulton Wood for 2012.   

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An historic country house. Hotel and farm and woodland, with dining, cottages, weddings, meetings, events